Bullying Policy

Bullying & Hate-Motivated Behavior Prevention

Bullying is a form of violence. It can be physical, verbal, psychological, or sexual. Here are some examples of bullying:

Physical: hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing
Verbal: teasing, threatening, name-calling
Psychological: excluding someone, spreading rumors, intimidating
Sexual: touching, assault, exhibitionism, and many of the actions listed above
Bullying may also occur through the Internet or other forms of technology. This is known as cyberbullying. It is sending or posting hurtful material.

Bullying is common, but it should not be viewed as a normal part of growing up. It is more damaging to children than previously thought. Bullying has a negative effect on a student's ability to learn.

Schools are responsible for creating safe environments for all students. They must work to prevent bullying, and they must respond to it when it happens.

The California Department of Education offers information and resources for parents, administrators, and students about bullying.